Corinbank 2009 - Day One

I just got home from the first day of Corinbank 2009, and what a fun start to the festival it was. I caught up with Lisa whom I haven't seen in ages, we walked around and checked out the sights then decided to go see Tableaux Vivants production of "Temporal Vivants" which literally translates to "Living Pictures". We put down out cameras for an hour and sat down to do some life drawing of people plucked from the Corinbank crowd who were put into poses/scenes by Tableaux creator, Min Mae.

Dinner followed and consisted of some koftas in a tomato sauce.

We then caught up with Paddy and went to see Le Petit Sideshow's; Petite Freak show. It was great as usual, and I managed to get some good shots I think.

The night ended with a trip to "The Bawdeville Allsorts Burlesque" show. It was fantastic. There were three acts, each one very different. Lisa, Paddy and Myself sat ourselves down on the bench at the back of the tent with all our 70-200mm lenses at the ready.

Just before I left I managed to catch a completly crazy but very cool band called; "Juke Baritone & The Swamp Dogs".

All in all, it was a fantastic start to the weekend. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get hold of a tent in time. (Mine is missing) So I wasn't able to camp which is a shame. Getting to go home every night to a warm bed however, is a plus.

More news tomorrow about Day Two, and If I have time, I'll upload a few photos.

Simply Red @ The Royal Theatre

Mick Hucknall of Simply Red.

(It May not be the sharpest of photos, but this one is the quintessential "Simply Red" pose.)

Tonight I had the opportunity to shoot one of the earliest bands I can remember listening to; "Simply Red". The concert was on at the Royal Theatre.

It was the usual 2 song, no flash rule, however this time I was shooting from "on stage" off to one side. This was a first and provided a great spot to take some great photos. Amazingly I was the only photographer there for some strange reason. I would have at least expected maybe somebody from The Canberra Times to be there.