A New Year and A New Look

The last facelift for NickBPhotography was back in February 2012. I thought it was about time to give the site a fresh new look and update with some new features. I hope you like the new look website and please let me know if you find any issues I may have missed.

Have a fantastic 2015.


I'm Still Here!

Hey Everybody. Apologies for not posting anything new to the blog for the past few months. Never fear, I am still around taking photos and will be updating the blog in the next couple of weeks.

I am also in the middle of updating my website design as this one is probably getting towards it's use-by date.

Stay tuned for some new band photography and modelling portraits in the new year.

- Nick

Oooooh, First Post.

deviantART, flickr and myspace. I have them all....

And all of them relate to my gig and portait photography. I thought it was about time I get a central site where I can put up a blog of all my photography related expeditions and adventures, along with some of my photos.

(edit. Posts below this one are a selection transferred from my previous blog at deviantART.)

Hopefully I use this site more often and people get as much enjoyment out of looking at some of my photos as I do when I take them.

Thanks for visiting.