James Blunt - Lookin' Sharp

Kit for James Blunt

The other day I was asked if I wanted to shoot James Blunt for BMA. Naturally I said yes. Sure I'm not a huge fan of his music, but passing up the opportunity to shoot such a big name in a great venue would have been stupid.

I thought to myself though, "I really need some better glass", and so asked my friend Lisa if I could borrow her 70-200mm lens. (Thanks Heaps Lisa!!)

Tonight was the performance, one of my first really "big" gigs, and the first at the Royal Theatre in Canberra.

Myself and one other photographer (Canberra Times) were escorted in and behind the barrier; only 2 Songs this time, and as usual; No Flash.

James came out, looking rather sharp in a grey suit and started to play the guitar. Not sure of what song he started with im afraid.

I got some fantastic shots, the lighting was awesome and definately the most photographer friendly I have seen yet. Hardly any red to be seen at all!!!.

Immediately after the second song we had to leave and now I am currently downloading all the photos to the computer.

Unfortunately, as much as I would love to, I am legally not allowed to post any photos. Sorry about that. Some will be in next months BMA Magazine though, so keep and eye out for them.

Chasing Gravity

ANZAC Day, Sitting in a restaurant waiting for dinner to arrive and I get a phonecall from my mate asking if I can shoot a band called "Chasing Gravity" from Queensland, at The Greenroom.

I thought; "yeah, why not" and went to get my camera straight after dinner.

When I arrived at The Greenroom, it wasn't a very big crowd but they were very into the music.

Chasing Gravity came on and blew me away with how good they were. Definately one of the best Aussie bands I have ever heard. These guys will be big!!

Chasing Gravity

Check out their myspace to hear some of their stuff.

"The Shape of Things" - Photoshoot

I had my first photoshoot for a poster a few weeks ago for Free Rain Theatre company. It was for their upcoming show called; "The Shape of Things". It was a lot of fun, great location, even if the sun was a bit annoying. The End result looks cool though.

Shape Of Things - Poster

Check out the final result here.

Casual Projects @ ANU

Tonight I shot local band; "Casual Projects". As usual they were fantastic and the crowd loved it. Only problem was the lighting, as per usual at the ANU it was pretty shocking. Oh well. It wouldn't be live music photography if we didn't have to deal with crappy lighting at times.



Today I got asked by BMA if I wanted to shoot Pnau this evening. I had never really heard their music before so I thought I would pop along.

It was also the first time shooting at the UC Refectory. Not a bad gig but the lighting was pretty bad so didn't get as many shots as I would have liked. Here are two of lead singer, Nick Littlemore. One as he was about to climb back up on stage. The other, him exhausted lying on the stage.