Bud Tingwell

It was with great sadness that I read today of the passing of one of Australia's most interesting actors; Charles "Bud" Tingwell. My best wishes go out to his family and friends at this time. He was an amazing talent and lived a rich 86 years.

I was particularly saddened to hear of the news as I was talking with Bud and his manager Jo for the last two months about organising a photoshoot with him. We were down to working out a date that was good for all of us and for me to get down to Melbourne.

Just goes to show that you should take advantage of everything life gives you and live life to the fullest and don't put things off.

Rest In Peace Bud.

"Jemma" - Photoshoot

Jemma, a friend of mine was interested in showing off some of her tattoos in a "Suicide Girl" style photoshoot. We had been planning it for a while and it kept getting postponed due to both our work commitments. We finally manged to settle on a date/time however nature had it in for us and decided to rain heavily for most of the day. We braved the weather and went out in one of the dry spells and managed to get a couple of great photos.

Photos to come.